85 National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

... the message: "Early detection is your best protection." ????

From John R Lee's 2002 Dec talk

Tamoxifen does not correct the underlying metabolic imbalance, it has never worked

Our Government and the FDA passed the regulation four years ago telling the makers of Tamoxifen they could not claim that it prevented cancer. So they cannot do that, but they can buy doctors and have them claim it. A little escape hole in the law. Isn't that amazing? So doctors go around thinking, "Gee someone over at Cincinnati says we should continue to use Tamoxifen."

Now Tamoxifen is blocked in the breast, but it is oestrogenic in the uterus and it causes cancer of the uterus. Now normally cancer of the uterus is a very benign disease. It shows up as a little bleeding here and there. And you find it, you do a pap smear and you see abnormal cells and you remove the uterus and it has gone, OK.

If you get cancer of the uterus when you are on Tamoxifen it is a different ball game instead of zero deaths there is 87% of you will die. It is a very rapid untreatable malignancy if it is caused by Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen also increases your risk of strokes and blindness and it does no good. There is no test that shows that it works. And yet that is what the doctor gives you because he knows that your own oestrogen is going to cause the breast cancer in the other breast. Or he might recommend let us remove the other breast right now. Then you won't get it, and women are buying that. Instead of saying let us find what is causing this and we can correct the underlying metabolic imbalance and then it won't happen.



Corporate Sponsorship

It has been alleged that "the BCAM idea 'was conceived and paid for by a British chemical company that both profits from this epidemic and may be contributing to its cause...'".[6] The term Pinkwashing has been used by Breast Cancer Action to describe the actions of companies which manufacture and use chemicals which show a link with breast cancer and at the same time publicly support charities focused on curing the disease.[7] Other criticisms center on the marketing of "pink products" and tie ins, citing that more money is spent marketing these campaigns than is donated to the cause.[8]

Cure as "Treatment" vs. "Prevention"

The Cancer Prevention Coalition has criticized the basic message of NBCAM as a form of victim blaming because it focuses on "early detection and treatment" while ignoring environmental factors.[9] According Aaron Blair, Ph.D., chief of the Occupational Epidemiology Branch in National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, For breast cancer, hormone use is one of the major factors affecting risk.[10] According to Rose Marie Williams, a columnist for the Townsend Letter, drug, chemical, and biotechnology companies have a vested interest in treating the disease rather than finding ways to minimize its rate of incidence.[11] Recent studies show that breast cancer is linked to several environmental and genetic factors which can be controlled or mitigated.[12]

6 Janette D. Sherman, M.D.(New York and London: Taylor and Francis, 2000). ISBN 1-56032-870-3. Life's Delicate Balance. See on the left 88 Dr Jamnette D. Sherman

THE CANCER MOVEMENT: Independent, Sold-Out, or Bought Up? (see ../15.htm).

A prime example of corporate control is the annual October Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). According to "BCAM SCAM," an expose published in The Nation, the BCAM idea "was conceived and paid for by a British chemical company that both profits from this epidemic and may be contributing to its cause. Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) along with two non-profit groups, co-founded BCAM nine years ago. The October event has grown in influence with thirteen institutions now on its board which include the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute. BCAM has become fashionable too: Avon, Estee Lauder and Hanes have lent sponsorship. But, since the beginning, all BCAM's bills have been paid by Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, the new name of ICI's U.S. subsidiary. Altogether, ICI has spent several million dollars on BCAM, according to [a] Zeneca spokeswoman."

For this support, ICI can control the message: "Early detection is your best protection."

Janet Collins thinks the better message is "Prevention is your best protection." We have no trouble accepting immunization for our children and thus have decreased suffering and death from polio, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria and the like. Why do we accept less than true prevention when it comes to cancer? Janet also says "this practice of polluting corporations recruiting women as their spokespeople drives me crazy. Not only do they get to give the impression that they are equal opportunity and that women are with them side-by-side in the march of progress, but the cowards get to hide behind the skirts of women." Early detection is important, because like other cancers, breast cancer is more curable before it has spread. But, detection is not prevention: ICI is in the business of manufacturing and selling synthetic chemicals. With annual sales well in excess of $18 billion, ICI is one of the world's largest producers and users of chlorine.

And, as discussed earlier, ICI/Zeneca manufactures tamoxifen, (brand name is NOLVADEX) the world's top-selling cancer drug used for breast cancer. Breast cancer activists must understand that what is good for a corporate sponsor may not be in the interest of the activist.

http://www.safe2use.com/drsherman/life/16.htm WHAT CITIZENS CAN DO Personal choices and political action

7 Focus on Pinkwashers, Breast Cancer Action's think before you pink campaign site. Retrieved November 9, 2007. http://www.thinkbeforeyoupink.org/Pages/FocusOnPinkwashers.html

8 Who's Really Cleaning Up Here Breast Cancer Action's think before you pink campaign site. Retrieved November 9, 2007. http://www.thinkbeforeyoupink.org/PDF/NYTimesAd.pdf

9 Chemical Industry Funds Breast Cancer Campaign, Cancer Prevention Coalition website. Retrieved September 27, 2008. http://www.preventcancer.com/patients/mammography/awareness.htm

More ...

http://www.preventcancer.com/press/editorials/march28_92.htm Mammography Radiates Doubt, Los Angeles Times

http://www.preventcancer.com/press/releases/oct14_96.htm Awareness Month” is Misinformation on Breast Cancer, press release

http://www.preventcancer.com/avoidable/index.htm How to avoid breast cancer

10 The Majority of Cancers Are Linked to the Environment, National Cancer Institute website, June 4, 2004. http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter/benchmarks-vol4-issue3/page1

11 Rose Marie Williams Breast cancer and xenoestrogens, Findarticles reprint of Townsend Letter, November 2004 article

12 Nancy Evans (Ed.) State of the Evidence 2006 http://www.breastcancerfund.org/site/pp.asp?c=kwKXLdPaE&b=206137 State of the Evidence 2008: The Connection Between Breast Cancer and the Environment

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