08.5 Stress and Other Diagrams
Willim's Stress Diagram. stress_004.pdf 35.17kB.
SteroidGenesis Diagram. SteroidGenesis_Pathways_01.pdf [56kb] approx.
Also shown are some vitamins, their solubility and also the effects of under (lack of) and overdosing
Progesterone Levels Diagram. ProgestLevel_01.pdf [59kb] approx.
The Post Natal Depression probably occurs due to the large drop off in placental progesterone until the restoration of monthly ovarian progesterone / menstruation, as shown after 421 in the above diagram.
Refer to The PMS Bible – Dr Katharina Dalton with Wendy Holton - Original text 1979
In the 2000 edition ISBN 0 09 185608 6 - in the Index Postnatal Depression is noted on following pages 25, 27 149, 244, 255-257 and on page 257 the following is noted.
After one attack of postnatal depression the chance of a recurrence after the next pregnancy is about 68 per cent, but progesterone prophylaxis is remarkably successful in preventing it. If progesterone is given immediately after labour and continued for the next two months, or until menstruation returns, the chance of a recurrence drops to between 7 per cent and 10 per cent. Such progesterone prevention is advised and should be organised during pregnancy for sufferers of severe PMS, for those who have a mother or sister who has experienced postnatal depression, and most important of all, for those who have suffered postnatal depression. The day may come when all women can receive treatment to prevent postnatal depression. . . .
Link to Barley Cousins, Progestins etc. Diagram. Barley Cousins and Progestins etc_01.pdf [56kb] approx.
The diagram aims to explain that Progestins, Progestagens, Progestogens etc are NOT Progesterone.
To make Scotch Malt Whisky barley must be used. Other grains can be used to make whiskeys but they are NOT Scotch Malt Whisky.
It is much the same with Progestins, Progestagens, Progestogens etc. they can do a few things Progesterone can do but they do NOT perform all Progesterone's functions e.g. support gestation.
Progesterone is "called" a Progestin, Progestagen, Progestogen, etc. by those that do not know the difference and usually (by Big Drug) when some bad effect is caused by Progestins, Progestagens, Progestogens etc ..
23_RayPeat_Progesterone_3 #20:49
By the early ‘70s the science world had clarified their terminology enough so that they started consistently calling the other molecules progestins or progestogens and so there has been much less scientific confusion about the terms. But medical doctors are still pretty well confused about the difference between anti-progestational progestins and the real progesterone #21:25
“Progesterone.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/progesterone. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.
History and Etymology for progesterone
blend of progestin and luteosterone (borrowed from German Luteosteron, from luteo- luteo- + -steron -sterone), both earlier names for progesterone
Note: The name resulted from a compromise between researchers associated with the earlier names, the American gynecologist Willard M. Allen and embryologist George Washington Corner, and the German biochemists Adolph Butenandt and Karl Heinrich Slotta. See W. M. Allen, A. Butenandt, G. W. Corner, and K. H. Slotta, "Nomenclature of Corpus Luteum Hormone," Nature, vol. 136, number 303 (September 1, 1935), p. 303.
If there is any bad effects reported check to determine that it is Progesterone USP or Progesterone BP, C21H30O2 usually it is Progestins, Progestagens, Progestogens etc . being reported on.
Sugar cane requires "processing" for sugar to be obtained. If a recipe suggests 4oz/100g of sugar, 4oz/100g of sugar cane will NOT do the same job
Likewise Wild Yam requires "processing" for progesterone to be obtained. If 20mg of progesterone is required, 20mg of Wild Yam will NOT do the same job.
Be particularly careful of this if attempting to purchase progesterone on-line Wild Yam is NOT progesterone.
It is quality Bio-identical Progesterone if Progesterone USP or Progesterone BP is stated it should be C21H30O2.
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